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RES Newsletter - July 2018

Red Española de Supercomputación - Newsletter
NEWSLETTER July 2018 - No. 4

12th RES Users’ Conference and 7th HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference

This year, the RES Users’ Conference and the HPC Advisory Council Conference will take place in Valencia on September 20 and 21. The objective of these events is to be a discussion forum to share experiences about the use of supercomputing technologies and to promote the dissemination of research results.

HPCnano workshop gathered around forty experts in high performance computing and nanotechnology

The event took place the 30th and 31st of May in the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. It included presentations of RES and PRACE users and tutorials.

Gaia creates richest star map of our galaxy with the participation of two RES nodes

The Spanish Supercomputing Network has provided more than 30 million computing hours to the Gaia UB Group, which is part of the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium and has participated in this ESA’s cornerstone mission.

Upcoming events
20 SEP 2018 12th RES Users' Meeting & 7th HPC Advisory Council Conference Location: Valencia
Description: The RES Users’ Conference is an annual event addressed to all the current and potential users of the HPC resources from the Spanish Supercomputing Network. The meeting will include a plenary session about open research data, updates on RES and the European HPC ecosystem, scientific parallel sessions and a poster session.
23 SEP 2018 EuroMPI 2018 Workshops and Tutorials Location: Barcelona
Description: EuroMPI is the preeminent meeting for users, developers and researchers to interact and discuss new developments and applications of message-passing parallel computing, in particular in and related to the Message Passing Interface (MPI). The RES sponsors the organization of the collocated workshops and tutorials which will take place the 23rd of September in Barcelona (UPC Campus).
26 SEP 2018 Finantial Mathematics and Supercomputing Location: Santiago de Compostela
Description: “Financial mathematics and supercomputing” is a seminar whose aim is to present experiences of researchers in the field of quantitative finance, in which they will share their own experiences using supercomputing, as well as the challenges they face in the development of quality numerical simulation programs allowing them to minimize the effort and cost of software development and maintenance, maximizing the results of their R&D projects. This scientific seminar will be held at the same time as CESGAHack 3, a 5-day hackathon whose objective is to accelerate the execution of scientific applications of the participating teams.
27 SEP 2018 NGS and Supercomputing: life as a couple (II) & VII CBMSO NGS workshop Location: UAM - Madrid
Description: Next Generation Sequencing technology needs to be intimately linked to supercomputing to be able to process and store all the massive generated data. In this workshop it will be presented how and where to archive NGS data, computational needs for small and medium research centers as well as for national infrastructures, how computing enterprises are moving to genomics and biomedicine, and some researchers will show their particular needs for their projects.

Research highlighted results

First direct visualization of the square of the wave function of the hydrogen molecule

For the first time, physicists have developed a method to visually image the entanglement between electrons. As these correlations play a prominent role in determining a molecule's wave function—which describes the molecule's quantum state—the researchers then used the new method to produce the first images of the square of the two-electron wave function of a hydrogen (H2) molecule. The results of this study were published in Nature Communications by German, Spanish, Russian and Australian researchers, led by Reinhard Dörner of the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Germany), and by Fernando Martín, from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Fernando Martín has used RES resources since 2006. In this work, the research team has performed some calculations in Cibeles (CCC-UAM) and MareNostrum (BSC) supercomputers.

Guiding of relativistic electron beams by laser-driven magnetostatic fields

Efficient energy transport in dense matter by laser-driven relativistic electron beams is crucial in many applications including the study of warm dense matter, inertial confinement fusion, and ion acceleration by laser. A recent research, which counted with the participation of the RES user Javier Honrubia (ETSIAE-UPM), demonstrates the relativistic electron beam transporting efficiently its energy in dense plasma with an externally imposed strong magnetic field. The work, published in Nature Communications on 9th January 2018, is the result of an international collaboration involving researchers from University of Bordeaux, University of Osaka, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Oxford, University of York and Technical University of Darmstadt.

Access to RES resources
Next deadline

You can send proposals to have access to RES resources in the third period of 2018 before:

13 SEP 2018
11:00 CET

Resources granted

The list of accepted activities for the 2nd period 2018 was published on June, 20th. These activities started on July 1st, 2018.

Read more about resources granted
