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12th RES Users' Meeting & 7th HPC Advisory Council Conference

Users meeting
20 Sep 2018
The RES Users’ Conference is an annual event addressed to all the current and potential users of the HPC resources from the Spanish Supercomputing Network.

The Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) organizes every year a users’ meeting to inform about RES resources and procedures. This event aims to be a discussion forum among RES users, technical staff, the access committee and the users’ committee. The plenary session will be a round table about open research data, co-organised by RDA Eurpe. In addition, the scientific parallel sessions and the poster session will promote the dissemination of highlighted research results of RES users. The local organiser of this meeting is the RES node Tirant, hosted in the Servei d'Informàtica de la Universitat de València

The 12th RES Users’ Meeting will be held jointly withthe 7th HCP Advisory Council Conference. The objective of this event is to encourage an interactive exchange between companies and organizations with the final HPC users. It will address a wide range of disciplines and interests such as Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Exascale Era, Big Data, etc. It will include technical, keynote and sponsor sessions.


The event will take place in the conference room of ADEIT-UV (Fundació Universitat Empresa de la Universitat de València): Plaza Virgen de la Paz 3, València.

To arrive by taxi, you can indicate to the driver that the venue is in front of Santa Caterina church.



9.30h Registration
10.00h Welcome

Institutional presentation

Sergi Girona, BSC Operations Director and RES Manager

Francisco Herrada, Subdirección de Grandes Instalaciones Científico-Técnicas, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

Maria Vicenta Mestre, Rector of the Universitat de València

10.40h Sergi Girona (BSC): RES updates, resources and access
11.00h Sergi Girona (BSC): European HPC ecosystem

Coffee break and poster session


Round table: open research data. Organised by RDA Europe.

Chair: Jesús Marco (Vicepresident at CSIC)

Participants: Sara Garavelli (TRUSTIT & RDA EU), Emma Lazzeri (CNR & RDA EU), Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière (BSC, Earth Science Community), Maria Martín / Fabrizio Gagliardi (BSC & RDA SPAIN), Salvador Capella (BSC & INB)


M.Veronica Ganduglia-Pirovano (ICP-CSIC): RES Users' Committee Presentation and open discussion

13.40h Lunch break (sponsored by RDA Europe)

Scientific parallel session:

Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences

Scientific parallel session:

Life and Health Sciences

Scientific parallel session:

Mathematics, Physics and Engineering

Scientific parallel session:

Chemistry and Materials Science

15.00h AECT 1 BCV 1 FI 1 QCM 1
15.30h AECT 2 BCV 2 FI 2 QCM 2
16.00h AECT 3 BCV 3 FI 3 QCM 3
16.30h Coffee break and poster session
17.00h AECT 4 BCV 4 FI 4 QCM 4
17.30h AECT 5 BCV 5 FI 5 QCM 5
18.00h Pause
18.10h Closing session
18.20h End of the conference
19.00h Social event. Meeting point (download pdf)



Scientific parallel session: Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences

Chair: Miguel A. Aloy (Universitat de València)

Room 2.1

AECT 1 (15.00h) Elena Khomenko (IAC): Three-dimensional simulations of solar magneto-convection including effects of partial ionization
AECT 2 (15.30h) Sascha Husa (UIB): Modelling gravitational wave signals from coalescing black holes
AECT 3 (16.00h) Valentina Sicardi (BSC): Generation of initial conditions for the prediction of ocean carbon uptake
AECT 4 (17.00h) Gustavo Yepes (UAM): Simulating Virtual Universes with the MareNostrum Supercomputer
AECT 5 (17.30h) Martin Obergaulinger (UV): Multi-dimensional simulations of stellar core collapse with rotation and magnetic fields


Scientific parallel session: Life and Health Sciences

Chair: Salvador Capella (BSC)

Room 2.3

BCV 1 (15.00h) Antonio Fernandez-Guerra (MPI-Bremen DE): Illuminating the functional dark side of genomes and metagenomes
BCV 2 (15.30h) Ramiro Logares (ICM-CSIC): Microbial population genomics from a metagenomics perspective
BCV 3 (16.00h) Jana Selent (UPF): Membrane lipids regulate GPCR functionality
BCV 4 (17.00h) Adam Hospital (IRB): Workflow atomation and efficiency for macromolecular simulations and screening
BCV 5 (17.30h) Horacio Pérez Sánchez (UCAM): Development and application of structural bioinformatics methods in drug discovery on high performance computing architectures and its technology transfer to the biotech sector


Scientific parallel session: Mathematics, Physics and Engineering

Chair: Raul Payri (UPV)

Room 2.7

FI 1 (15.00h) Edilberto Sánchez (CIEMAT): Global gyrokinetic simulations of stellarator plasmas
FI 2 (15.30h) Rafael Delgado (UAM): CATCH-U-DNA: Detecting Cancer using Quartz Micro-balance Resonators
FI 3 (16.00h) Jose Maria Garcia Oliver (CMT Motores Termicos- UPV): LES approach for near- and far-field prediction of dense sprays
FI 4 (17.00h) Oriol Lehmkuhl (BSC): On the use of supercomputing for the high-fidelity simulation of massive separated flows
FI 5 (17.30h) Ivette Rodríguez (UPC): High Performance Computing of the fluid dynamics and heat transfer of axisymmetric wakes


Scientific parallel session: Chemistry and Materials Science

Chair: M.Veronica Ganduglia-Pirovano (ICP-CSIC)

Room 2.4

QCM 1 (15.00h) José Javier Plata Ramos (US): Combining high-throughput and high-performance computing for the discovery of new photo-sensitized epitaxial structures
QCM 2 (15.30h) Michele Pisarra (UAM): Understanding the modifications of the physical properties of supported graphene by means of Density Functional Theory
QCM 3 (16.00h) Carlos Romero Muñiz (UAM): Graphene on rhodium from first principles: Tailoring electronic, structural and chemical properties
QCM 4 (17.00h) Núria López (ICIQ): Simulations in Catalytic materials
QCM 5 (17.30h) Mercedes Boronat (UPV-CSIC): Non-noble metal clusters and particles for heterogeneous catalysis


HPC Advisory Council Conference: Friday 21st of September from 9.00h to 18.15h. You can check the agenda in this link.


REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!. The event is free of charge and includes the coffees and the lunch of the 20th and 21st of September. The deadline for registration is September 14 at 12.00h CEST.


The registration form is closed



Further information

Poster presentation: We encourage young researchers attending the RES Users' Conference to present their work in the poster session. Proposals received until September 3 will appear in the book of abstracts. However, it is still possible to send proposals if there are available slots, and the posters received after September 4 will be listed on the website. Posters will be exposed during the coffee breaks and the lunch break on the 20th of September and should be DinA0 portrait format, in Spanish or English.

If you need further information, write an email to dissemination@res.es


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