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AI DIH. Spanish Digital Innovation Hub for High Performance Computing (esHPC)

Spanish Digital Innovation Hub for High Performance Computing (esHPC) is an arm of Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) to become the ecosystem enabling access, resources, training, projects, and information about Artificial Intelligence to Spanish industry and especially to SMEs. RES, coordinated by Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), is a distributed infrastructure involving 11 supercomputers working together to offer High Performance Computing resources to the scientific and industry communities. The RES is a Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure in Spain, so the esHPC hub will benefit of its main capacities: a consolidated network of high-quality data and computing infrastructure and expert support staff.

Acces to resources

RES promotes SME are using HPC and AI as an essential part of their business strategy. HPC and for extension AI can help them to use data to optimize production problems, to design new products, and to use AI solutions to create new sources of business value to become more competitive and “green”. RES is a Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) distributed throughout Spain, which aims to support the development of top-quality cutting-edge research. RES has RESxPyme group, which is focused on promoting AI/HPC solutions for SMEs, giving access to SME to R&D projects for the application of AI/HPC to solve company’s needs, as well as offering free access to supercomputing during the first 3 years’ life for spin off companies.

Access to resources


One of the objectives of the RES in the near future is to create a Data Infrastructure in Spain and to offer data management services associated to the computing services. Thus, the competences needed for the new data services are totally aligned with the competences needed for the AI services.The competences of the esHPC which will be fundamental are:

  • optimization of AI models using the HPC resources,
  • support and advice in simulation, analytics and prediction,
  • training for industry and businesses and
  • collaborative research, and
  • networking.

Ecosystem of ecosystems

The esHPC is an ecosystem of ecosystems, gaining the synergy of the members of the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) in terms of:

  • Diversity of services, facilities and expertise/li>
  • Multiregional & Multisectorial approach
  • Targeted to different types of clients
  • Diversity of business models
  • Internationalization of SMEs

European DIH Catalogues

Digital Innovation Hubs Catalogue

Digital Innovation Hubs are one-stop-shops that help companies to become more competitive with regard to their business/production processes, products or services using digital technologies. They are based upon technology infrastructure (Competence Centre - CC) and provide access to the latest knowledge, expertise and technology to support their customers with piloting, testing and experimenting with digital innovations. DIHs also provide business and financing support to implement these innovations, if needed across the value chain. As proximity is considered crucial, they act as a first regional point of contact, a doorway, and strengthen the innovation ecosystem. A DIH is a regional multi-partner cooperation (including organizations like RTOs, universities, industry associations, chambers of commerce, incubator/accelerators, regional development agencies and even governments) and can also have strong linkages with service providers outside of their region supporting companies with access to their services

AI DIH Network

The European Commission (EC) has launched a preparatory action to create a European Network of Digital Innovation Hubs with focus on AI. To achieve this goal, the action - managed by PwC, together with CARSA and Innovalia - is intended to lead to the development of a blueprint for cross border collaboration based on a thorough assessment of hub business models, common systems, collaboration and governance structures (including financial and legal aspects of the collaboration). By the same token, the action will support the development of a concrete action plan, including a business case, for the collaboration and networking of DIH and will help the chosen DIHs to unlock their collaboration and networking potential through mentoring and coaching activities. Further, participating DIHs will have the chance to network with other hubs, and will be involved in the definition and, possibly in the signature, of a Cooperation Agreement among (at least) 10 hubs


Contact: If you need further information about the esHPC AI DIH please contact: dissemination [at] res.es