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The post-common-envelope binary central star of the planetary nebula PN G283.7 05.1 A possible post-red-giant-branch planetary nebula central star

Área de investigaciónAstronomía, Espacio y Ciencias de la Tierra
TítuloThe post-common-envelope binary central star of the planetary nebula PN G283.7 05.1 A possible post-red-giant-branch planetary nebula central star
Tipo de publicaciónArtículo de revista
Año de publicación2020
AutoresJones, D, Boffin, HMJ, Hibbert, J, Steinmetz, T, Wesson, R, Hillwig, TC, Sowicka, P, Corradi, RLM, Garcia-Rojas, J, Rodriguez-Gil, P, Munday, J
Type of ArticleArticle
Palabras claves1, 7-05, binaries: close, binaries: eclipsing, planetary nebulae: individual: PN G283, stars: AGB and post-AGB}, {binaries: spectroscopic

We present the discovery and characterisation of the post-common-envelope central star system in the planetary nebula PN G283.7-05.1. Deep images taken as part of the POPIPlaN survey indicate that the nebula may possess a bipolar morphology similar to other post-common-envelope planetary nebulae. Simultaneous light and radial velocity curve modelling reveals that the newly discovered binary system comprises a highly irradiated M-type main-sequence star in a 5.9-hour orbit with a hot pre-white dwarf. The nebular progenitor is found to have a particularly low mass of around 0.4 M-circle dot, making PN G283.7-05.1 one of only a handful of candidate planetary nebulae that is the product of a common-envelope event while still on the red giant branch. In addition to its low mass, the model temperature, surface gravity, and luminosity are all found to be consistent with the observed stellar and nebular spectra through comparison with model atmospheres and photoionisation modelling. However, the high temperature (T-eff similar to 95 kK) and high luminosity of the central star of the nebula are not consistent with post-RGB evolutionary tracks.
