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Introduction to Big Data Analytics

Formación técnica
06 Feb 2023
Training course organised by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center


The objective of this course is to introduce the main concepts and technologies related to Big Data and Data Analytics and its applications to real projects.
The course brings together key information technologies used in manipulating, storing, and analysing data including:

  • Introduction to storage and process unstructured data. Main concepts of NoSQL databases
  • Large scale processing: Apache Spark and its core libraries for data manipulation, machine learning, data streams and graph analytics
  • Basics of Python deep learning technics with TensorFlow
  • Characterization of a data mining problem and its relation with business intelligence, dig data and exploratory statistics
  • Basic concepts of data visualization and tools

Learning Outcomes:  Students will be introduced to systems that can accept, store, and analyse large volumes of unstructured data. The learned skills can be used in data intensive application areas.

More information in BSC website.