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HPCCOMB2021 – 3rd HPC Spanish Combustion Workshop

Seminario científico
02 Jul 2021
Barcelona / Online
The HPCCOMB2021 combustion workshop is dedicated to getting together combustion researchers across Spain, and share experiences and issues related to the modelling of combustion systems.

The use of numerical simulations in the context of High-Performance Computing (HPC) as a tool for design and understanding modern combustion systems is becoming increasingly important in the last decade as more computing power is currently available. However, the modelling of combustion systems is very demanding in terms of physical models and algorithms, since it not only requires the modelling of combustion and turbulence, but also their interactions with additional phenomena such as atomization, vaporization, mixing and stirring. The interaction of the flame with the surroundings is also of crucial importance with influence on different aspects such as near wall behaviour, heat losses or fluid/structure interactions. Furthermore, combustion process usually involves large number of reacting species and radicals depending on the fuels leading to multiscale and multiphysics problems with large disparity of time and length scales. The enhancement of numerical methods and physical models over the last years has contributed to an improvement of the prediction capabilities, although many challenges are still to be faced such as flashback, thermoacoustic instabilities, partially premixing, stratified flows, among others. All aspects of combustion simulations inherently need large number of computing resources and this community is well known to be an important player in HPC-related activities worldwide.

The HPCCOMB2021 combustion workshop is dedicated to getting together combustion researchers across Spain, and share experiences and issues related to the modelling of combustion systems. In particular, the workshop has the following objectives:

  • To disseminate about the use of supercomputing facilities for combustion applications at the national level
  • To encourage the use of computing resources from the RES in the community
  • To share successful / unsuccessful experiences on combustion modelling
  • To enable national collaborations for national and EU projects
  • To disseminate high-level research to invited industries

This community has large legacy, is very active on research and has a strong link with industry and energy sectors, but still, it is not a large consumer of HPC resources at the national level. Many researchers access to computing power via local clusters, international collaborations, PRACE or are simply not aware of the RES. We would like to take the opportunity to present the capabilities of Marenostrum 4 and the available information about Marenostrum 5, show the new updates of the RES (larger number of resources at disposal for researchers compared to two years ago), the storage application and all the services available from the RES that can be used by the combustion community.


The opening this year will be performed by Professor César Dopazo, Founding Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering and Emeritus Professor at the Universidad de Zaragoza and we have confirmed as plenary speakers Professor Antonio L. Sánchez, Full Professor at University of California San Diego (UCSD) and Dr. HdR Benedicte Cuenot, leader of the Combustion Research Group at CERFACS Pascale Domingo. All the information will be updated soon on the HPCCOMB website, which is currently under construction.


09:00 – 09:10h – Welcome (Daniel Mira & Carmen Jiménez)
09:10 – 09:30h – Oriol Pineda (Infrastructure Access Policy, BSC)
09:30 – 10:00h – Combustion of turbulent premixed flames (César Dopazo, Universidad de Zaragoza)
10:00 – 10:40h – 1st Plenary session: Benedicte Cuenot, CERFACS (France)
10:40 – 11:20h – Technical sessions Morning I (20 min/talk, x2)
11:20 – 11:30h – Coffee break
11:30 – 13:10h – Technical sessions Morning II (20 min/talk, x5)
13:10 – 14:00h – Lunch
14:00 – 15:20h – Technical sessions Afternoon III (20 min/talk, x4)
15:20 – 16:00h – 2nd Plenary session: Antonio L. Sánchez, UCSD (USA)
16:00 – 16:15h – Coffee break
16:15 – 17:00 – Flash talks
17:00 – 17:40h – Technical sessions Afternoon II (20 min/talk, x2)
17:40 – 17:45 – Closing


To register, visit the following link