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RES Newsletter - March 2017

Red Española de Supercomputación - Newsletter

Towards RDA Iberia: research data sharing without barriers

The Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES), jointly with Maredata (a Spanish network about Open Research Data) and INESC TEC (University of Porto), organises the event "Towards RDA Iberia". This workshop will take place next 4th April 2017 in Barcelona and will promote the participation of Spanish and Portuguese research stakeholders in RDA (Research Data Alliance) activities.

Carme Rovira has received the Ciutat de Barcelona Prize

Carme Rovira, ICREA research professor in the University of Barcelona and RES user, receives this award for her contributions to unravelling the mechanisms of enzyme function through computational methods.

Upcoming events
25 MAY 2017 Scientific Seminar: Massive Computation for Ultrafast Molecular Breaking Location: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Description: The Scientific Workshop on Massive Computation for Ultrafast Molecular Breaking, MACUMB 2017, will be held in the Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain. It is supported by the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES). The meeting combines scientific lectures with practical sessions in computer rooms. This workshop seeks for the scientific exchange on the state-of-the-art software to explore molecular dynamics.
28 SEP 2017 11th RES Users' Conference & 6th HPC Advisory Council Location: Santiago de Compostela
Description: The 10th RES Users'Conference will inform on the available resources and services, as well as the request method and review procedure. This event also aims to disseminate the results obtained using the RES supercomputing facilities and offer a discussion forum between the users, the CURES and the RES coordination. Moreover, it will share the experience of PRACE users and how to request acces to those european infrastructures.

Research highlighted results

New computational method to identify drugs more efficiently

The research group leaded by Xavier Barril, user of the Spanish Supercomputing Network, has developed a more efficient computational method to identify new drugs. The study, published in the scientific journal Nature Chemistry , proposes a new way of facing the discovery of molecules with biological activity. Since it is based on a different approach, this method complements conventional tools and allows going forward in the path of rational drug design.

Calculations predict disorder in the surface of certain materials

The research group of Núria López has published a paper in Nature Materials explaining how massive simulations prove that certain surfaces are more disordered than previously thought. Prof. Núria López is a researcher in the Institut Català d’Investigació Química (ICIQ) and user of the Spanish Supercomputing Network.

Past events

The RES has participated in the Big Data session in Foro Transfiere

The 6th European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation (Foro Transfiere) took place the 15th and 16th of February in Malaga. A representative from the working group RESxPYME was invited to the discussion forum about Big Data, and informed of the supercomputing infrastructures and services that the RES can offer to SMEs.

Scientific seminar - In silico tools in drug design and target discovery

More than 40 participants attended this workshop about the use of high performance computing in the development of new therapies and in drug discovery world. The participants learned on the latest advances in chemoinformatics, genomics approaches to target finding, network medicine and structure based drug design.

Access to RES resources
Next deadline

10 MAY 2017
11:00 CET

Resources granted

The list of accepted activities for 1st period 2017 was published on February, 24th. These activities will start on March 1st, 2017.

Read more about resources granted

Spotlight on an invited ICTS

CNAG - Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico

In this section, we focus in the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG). Jointly with the Centre for Omic Sciences (COS) forms part of the National Scientific and Technological Infrastructure Map (ICTS) as the Infrastructure for OMICS Technologies (IOT).

The CNAG was set up in 2009 by the Central Government and theRegional Government of Catalonia, and it is located at the Parc Cientific de Barcelona. Its mission is to carry out large-scale projects in genome analysis that will lead to significant improvements in public health and quality of life. The CNAG focuses its efforts in four interconnected research areas: Disease Gene Identification, Cancer Genomics, Genomics of Infectious Diseases, and Genomics of Model Organisms, in collaboration with scientists from universities, hospitals, research centres, and companies in the sector of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. The CNAG Genomics Platform has a park of twelve second-generation DNA sequencers (nine HiSeq2000, two HiSeq2500 and one MiSeq) that produce a total of more than 800 Gigabases of nucleic acid sequences per day, which is equal to eight complete human genomes every 24 hours. The sequencing operation is supported by an extensive informatics infrastructure: 2.7 petabytes of data storage, over 1200 computing nodes with a capacity of 13 TFlops, an internal 10 Gb/s network and multiple 10 Gb/s direct physical connections to the BSC-CNS. The integrated CNAG infrastructure is the largest Genome Centre in Spain and possesses one of the largest DNA sequencing capacities in Europe.
