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Gravitational wave signatures of dark matter cores in binary neutron star mergers by using numerical simulations

Research areaAstronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
TitleGravitational wave signatures of dark matter cores in binary neutron star mergers by using numerical simulations
Publication TypeJournal Article
Publication year2019
AuthorsBezares, M, Viganò, D, Palenzuela, C
JournalPhys. Rev. D

Recent detections by the gravitational wave facilities LIGO and Virgo have opened a window to study the internal structure of neutron stars through the gravitational waves emitted during their coalescence. In this work we explore, through numerical simulations, the gravitational radiation produced by the merger of binary neutron stars with dark matter particles trapped on their interior, focusing on distinguishable imprints produced by these dark matter cores. Our results reveal the presence of a strong m=1 mode in the waveforms during the postmerger stage, together with other relevant features. Comparison of our results with observations might allow us to constrain the amount of dark matter in the interior of a neutron star.
