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Exactly Solvable System of One-Dimensional Trapped Bosons with Short- and Long-Range Interactions

Research areaMathematics, Physics and Engineering
TitleExactly Solvable System of One-Dimensional Trapped Bosons with Short- and Long-Range Interactions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Publication year2020
AuthorsBeau, M, Pittman, SM, Astrakharchik, GE, del Campo, A
Type of ArticleArticle

We introduce a model of trapped bosons with contact interactions as well as Coulomb repulsion or gravitational attraction in one spatial dimension. We find the exact ground-state energy and many-body wave function. The density profile and the pair-correlation function are sampled using Monte Carlo method and show a rich variety of regimes with crossovers between them. Strong attraction leads to a trapped McGuire quantum soliton. Weak repulsion results in an incompressible Laughlin-like fluid with flat density, well reproduced by a Gross-Pitaevskii equation with long-range interactions. Stronger repulsion induces Friedel oscillations and the eventual formation of a Wigner crystal.
