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RES Events


Users meetings

The RES organises Annual User Meetings to encourage interactive exchange of experiences between users, technicians and RES coordinators. It also aims to highlight the scientific results obtained using RES resources and to report on infrastructure and procedural updates.

Scientific seminars

The RES promotes scientific seminars which address supercomputing technology applications in specific scientific areas. These events are mainly organized by RES users and are open to the entire research community.

Technical training

These workshops are organised by the RES nodes and aim to provide the knowledge and skills needed to use and manage the supercomputing facilities.

Upcoming events

Scientific seminar
17 Jul 2024
Donostia - San Sebastián
Seminario organizado en combinación con el Simposio de Física de la Atmósfera y del Océano durante la Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física (https://bienalfisica.org/)

Past events

Technical training
05 Feb 2019
PATC course organised by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Technical training
29 Jan 2019
PATC course organized by Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Technical training
21 Jan 2019
PATC course organised by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Scientific seminar
18 Dec 2018
Co-organized by BSC, ELEM Biotech and Red Española de Supercomputación (RES). Supported by VHEARTSN - COMPBIOMED - SILICOFCM.
Technical training
11 Dec 2018
The objective of the 1st HPAC Platform Training Event is to introduce the High Performance Analytics and Computing Platform as well as to provide assistance to the potential users in understanding the application process for supercomputing resources access.
Technical training
30 Nov 2018
Jornada de introducción a los recursos de supercomputación ofrecidos por SCAYLE.
Technical training
27 Nov 2018
The objective of this PATC course is to cover the basics of a high performance computing (HPC) environment oriented towards earth science applications, specifically chemical weather modelling and climate modelling.
Technical training
19 Nov 2018
Santiago de Compostela
El objetivo del curso es proporcionar al alumno un entrenamiento básico en el uso de herramientas existentes en el mundo del Software Libre destinadas al análisis y optimización de código secuencial y paralelo.
Technical training
12 Nov 2018
Curso introductorio para presentar a los usuarios los nuevos equipos de supercomputación adquiridos recientemente por el CSUC.
Technical training
05 Nov 2018
Curso de formación técnica organizado por el Centro de Supercomputación de Castilla y León (SCAYLE).

Call for proposals for scientific seminars

The RES sponsors the organisation of scientific seminars related with the use of HPC methods in research

Submit your proposal