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Multimode frequency-domain model for the gravitational wave signal from nonprecessing black-hole binaries

Área de investigaciónAstronomía, Espacio y Ciencias de la Tierra
TítuloMultimode frequency-domain model for the gravitational wave signal from nonprecessing black-hole binaries
Tipo de publicaciónArtículo de revista
Año de publicación2020
AutoresGarcia-Quiros, C, Colleoni, M, Husa, S, Estelles, H, Pratten, G, Ramos-Buades, A, Mateu-Lucena, M, Jaume, R
Type of ArticleArticle

We present the IMRPHENOMXHM frequency domain phenomenological waveform model for the inspiral, merger, and ringdown of quasicircular nonprecessing black hole binaries. The model extends the IMRPHENOMXAS waveform model {[}G. Pratten, S. Husa, C. Garcia-Quiros, M. Colleoni, A. Ramos-Buades, H. Estelles, and R. Jaume, preceding paper, Phys. Rev. D 102, 064001 (2020)], which describes the dominant quadrupole modes l = vertical bar m vertical bar = 2, to the harmonics (l vertical bar m vertical bar) = (2, 1), (3, 3), (3, 2), (4,4), and includes mode mixing effects for the (3,2) spherical harmonic. IMRPHENOMXHM is calibrated against hybrid waveforms, which match an inspiral phase described by the effective-one-body model and post-Newtonian amplitudes for the subdominant harmonics to numerical relativity waveforms and numerical solutions to the perturbative Teukolsky equation for large mass ratios up to 1000.
