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At Fundación Pública Galega Centro Tecnolóxico de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA)

The Supercomputing Centre of Galicia, promoted by the Xunta de Galicia (Galicia's Government) and by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), started its activity in 1993. Today, it is constituted as a Public Foundation at the servise of several research, development, and innovation communities. In 2008, CESGA was recognised as a Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) by the Spanish government. In 2014, CESGA joined the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) contributing to the network part of one the most significant infrastructures it manages, FinisTerrae 2.

Visits to the RES facilities: if you want to visit the new Finis Terrae 3 supercomputer, book your visit here

Visit the RES node website

Machine information

HPC Resources

Machine name FinisTerrae3 - CPU
% of the machine provided to RES 20
Peak performance 1.5 PFlop/s
Main memory 128 TB
SSD NVMe disc capacity 360 TB
Number of nodes 273
Type of CPU Intel Xeon Ice Lake 8352Y
Number of cores per node


GFlops per core 70.4
Other characteristics

16 FAT nodes with 2TB of memory per node

1 OPTANE node with 8TB of memory

Disk storage 4 PB shared (Lustre)
Interconnection networks Infiniband HDR 100
Operating system Rocky Linux 8.4




Machine name FinisTerrae3 - GPU and IA
% of the machine provided to RES 20
Peak performance 2.8 PFlop/s
Main memory 18 TB
Number of nodes 66
Node characteristics

64 nodes with 2 xNVIDIA A100

1 node with 5x NVIDIA A100

1 node with 8x NVIDIA A100

Type of CPU Intel Xeon Ice Lake 8352Y
Number of cores per node


GFlops per core 70.4
Other characteristics


Disk storage 4 PB shared (Lustre)
Interconnection networks Infiniband HDR 100
Operating system Rocky Linux 8.4


Data projects Resources

Core Features: Archival projects and Data storage, regardless of discipline

Available storage space

 20 PB on tape and 4 PB on disc

Standard protocol for external access


Standard data transfer protocol


High speed network connection RedIRIS/autonomous networks

 40 Gbps

Backup protocol


Security system

 Yes (firewalls, access lists, VPN for users)

Monitorization system


Personnel assigned to support users who access the center through the network

 1 FTE

Optional characteristics: data storage and exploration projects (basic exploitation), generic and/or specific by subject area

Federated access protocol (EduGAIN, SIR, …)


Optimized transfer system for large volumes of data


Treatment of personal data and ethics committee 


Data management policy



Additional features: More specific exploitation projects, with advanced tools, and/or depending on the subject area

Data services for scientific projects (maintained by the node)

 Yes (Spark, Hadoop, Jupyter)

Support and consulting service for other nodes of the data network


Support team / Contact

CESGA has a strong technical support team at the service of the user community. To request technical assistance, users can contact sistemas@cesga.es or aplicaciones@cesga.es