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Metagenomic 16S rDNA Illumina tags are a powerful alternative to amplicon sequencing to explore diversity and structure of microbial communities

Research areaLife and Health Sciences
TitleMetagenomic 16S rDNA Illumina tags are a powerful alternative to amplicon sequencing to explore diversity and structure of microbial communities
Publication TypeJournal Article
Publication year2014
AuthorsLogares, R, Sunagawa, S, Salazar, G, Cornejo-Castillo, FM, Ferrera, I, Sarmento, H, Hingamp, P, Ogata, H, de Vargas, C, Lima-Mendez, G, Raes, J, Poulain, J, Jaillon, O, Wincker, P, Kandels-Lewis, S, Karsenti, E, Bork, P, Acinas, SG
JournalEnvironmental Microbiology